UC Berkeley Athlete looking for fun
Age: 28
Sex: Male
Seeking: M4W
Expires in: 876237 Hours
Hey, I'm a PhD student at UC Berkeley. I play tennis competitively and enjoy hiking and anime during times of leisure I love oral sex and hope you do as well :) Stats: 6'0'' in stature, six pack, tree trunk thighs, lean arms Location: Bay Area (east bay)
Megan's Dating Tip: Give compliments. Everyone likes to receive compliments, especially when they're sincere and specific. Don't be afraid to praise the other person for something that you liked or admired about their profile or ad. For example, you could say "You have a great sense of humor," "You have a beautiful smile," or "You have an impressive resume." Avoid generic or physical compliments that might sound creepy or shallow.
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